Why Volunteer With STP?
Here at STP, our volunteer openings invite the varied talents bestowed by God upon every individual, motivating volunteers to contribute in numerous ways that showcase their distinct skills and capacities. It's a testament to our collective effort that it takes more than twice as many volunteers as performers to bring our productions to life—a vivid portrayal of our conviction that each position, regardless of its scope, plays a crucial role in weaving the fabric of our mission.
“I've had the opportunity to participate in multiple volunteer roles at STP, and it has been one of the best experiences of my life. My walk with the Lord has been strengthened greatly through the connections I've made. It's such a nurturing environment both for the students you're helping and for the volunteers serving.”
Luke E, Volunteer
“I’ve never had the pleasure of being in an STP play, but I did have the amazing opportunity to help out with one this summer and just that was one of most life-changing experiences ever-after struggling for many years in my Christian walk, I fully dedicated my life to him and am so grateful for the taste I got of Christian youth encouraging each other spiritually and praising the LORD while still having a lot of fun!!!!”
Ellen I, Past Volunteer